When you hand over valuable assets to a specialty crating, 包装运输公司, it can feel like those items have gone into a blackhole. You aren’t traveling with the shipment, of course, so you don’t know where it is at any given time. 除了, you aren’t monitoring the path the shipment will take, 所以你不知道前方会有什么挑战.

For these and other reasons, it’s vital that you work with a company like 陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场进行清晰的沟通. Your provider should also be proactive in their communications with you.


Why does good communication with your crating and shipping provider matter? 有几个原因. 其中最重要的五个是:

  1. 它能降低你的压力水平. 如果你的任务是监管货物, its status is likely to be on your mind throughout its journey. Knowing that your shipping company is overseeing the logistics is reassuring. Not only does this mean your stress level will be lower, but it allows you to focus on other tasks confident that the shipment is either proceeding smoothly or, 如果遇到问题, the company is taking action to address them as your representative and advocate.
  2. It ensures a collaborative approach to problem-solving. 如果你的货物有问题, the best solution may come from you and your shipping provider considering and talking through the options. Having open lines of communication makes it easier to find the best path forward.
  3. It minimizes the risk of delays and potential financial consequences. Your international shipment is stuck in customs for some reason and it takes a few days (or longer) for your shipping company to notify you. 结果是, the goods are late in arriving at their final destination and you miss the guaranteed delivery date you gave to your customer or business partner. Good communication gives you more time to address issues like this and avoid financial repercussions.
  4. 这会提高你在公司的声誉. Especially when you’re shipping valuable assets or are required to meet a strict delivery deadline, the last thing you want to have to say when asked for a status report on the project is, “我不知道.” When your shipping and logistics company has up-to-the-minute details on your shipment and provides them to you promptly when asked for them, that kind of control of the situation reflects favorably on you.
  5. It helps create strong business relationships and business opportunities. In the same way that your coworkers appreciate you having a firm grasp on your shipping logistics, 业务合作伙伴, customers and potential customers will also value the fact that you work with an attentive and communicative shipping company. 他们, 像你这样的, can feel as though shipments have gone into a blackhole if your provider can’t or doesn’t practice clear, 及时的沟通.



Every specialty crating and shipping company will say that effective communication with clients is a top priority. 但你怎么能确定?

当你评估陨石坑的时候 & 货主们,云顶集团赌场鼓励你们采取以下行动:

  • 问云顶集团赌场如何了解货物的情况. For us to give you information, we first have to obtain it. 了解云顶集团赌场如何以及多久做一次.
  • Ask for specifics about the timeliness of our communications. 云顶集团赌场回应询问的速度有多快? Knowing what our goal is regarding response time and how good we are at meeting that goal is important.
  • 询问云顶集团赌场与客户沟通的内容. 学习云顶集团赌场确认接收, 创建完成时通知客户端, provide tracking information and more tells you a great deal about our overall approach to communication.
  • 询问现在和以前的客户的经历. 有公司与crater合作过吗 & 云顶集团赌场 had a positive experience regarding communication?
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau and other entities. Organizations like the Better Business Bureau maintain records on how companies perform over time.


Despite the fact that we prioritize effective client communication at 陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场, we encourage our clients to tell us about their expectations regarding communication. We also want to know right away if they feel that we aren’t meeting our communication obligations.


Why Proactive Communication Is a Top Priority for 陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场

在陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场, effective communication with our clients is a top priority for two reasons. 首先,这是他们的期望和应得的. We’ve been entrusted with important assets and we don’t take that responsibility lightly.

第二个, practicing good client communication benefits our team in many of the same ways that it benefits our clients. Being proactive with updates and attentive to inquiries makes a potentially stressful project less so for everyone involved. It also makes it easier for us to anticipate and address problems to keep shipments on schedule.

除了, we’re proud of our reputation for keeping clients informed about their projects and grateful for all the business that this approach has helped us earn.

To learn more about our specialty crating, packaging and shipping services, 立即云顶集团赌场. 你也可以退房 照片 云顶集团赌场的工作和 的视频,并得到答案 常见问题,在云顶集团赌场的网站上.